Here is a step-by-step guide of configuring BMW ICOM Rheingold ISTA-D ISTA-P diagnostic & programming software on BMW ICOM A2+B+C diagnostic system.
Tool needed:
BMW ICOM a2+b+c diagnostic tool with WIFI
ICOM Rheingold software HDD
As for BMW ICOM Rheingold software, we recommend 2015.1V Rheingold ISTA-D 3.47 ISTA-P 54.3 software HDD which performs more stable.
The configuration is based on Virtual Machine.
1. Open used for connection network adapter properties, then “Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)” properties, then enter for “IP address” and for “Subnet mask”
2. If VMware is installed, open Virtual Network Editor and disconnect from the host any adapters with Subnet address
3. Open C://EDIABAS/BIN/EDIABAS.INI with Notepad and check for “Port=6801” in TCP settings.
4. Set up ICOM A, ICOM B and ICOM C emulators, and connect BWM ICOM with vehicle and PC.
5. Run BMW ICOM Rheingold ISTA-D ISTA-P software shortcut on start menu, wait until it boots, then press “Settings” icon the top of the program
6. Select “VCI Config” (VCI Configuration) Tab and tick “HO-ICOM/ENET local and ISISnetwork”, press “OK”
7. Go to “Operations” menu, the “Read Out Vehicle Data” and “Complete Identification”
8. Select ICOM connection from the list and press “Set up connection” button. The Rheingoldis detecting vehicle and vehicle identification is in progress.
Configuration is done. Start running software and diagnose/program BMW cars.
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