I am doing a Land rover 2006 LR3 HSE V8 with 4.4 engine with vxdiag vcx nano jlr sdd scanner. I’ve downloaded SDD Full160 and got http Error:500 splash_screen_boot.index. SDD keeps loading won’t continue.
I also tried to update JLR DoIP driver in vx manager, it failed to and says the device license for this application is invalid or expired. How can i fix this.
Autonumen.com solution:
1. Make sure you have installed the patch for JLR SDD. Run SDD from the patch. Don’t start SDD from vx manager JLR SDD driver !!!
Check: JLR SDD V160 Download & Installation
2. You don’t need to update DoIP driver for vcx nano.
DoIP driver (or license) is used for Pathfinder for newer Jaguar Land rover 2017 onwards.
Besides, DoIP license cannot be added to the vcx nano jlr device. The license invalid error occurs if you are trying to update the DoIP driver.
You will need VXDIAG VCX SE JLR or JLR DoIP VCI interface to access DoIP models.
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