Launch X431 Pad V Tutorials: Configure online SCN encoding
Steps to configure online programming:
Press Others>>Device>>File management>>cnlaunch>>X431PADV>>assets
Open “StdCfg.ini” file by the text editor, and then press “Edit” for editing. Find the 2 fields of “OnlineFlash” and “Flash” with defaults “0”, which means the current diagnosis software doesn’t support online programming, select the 2 fields and change the values as “1” and then save them. After saving successfully, the values should turn “1” shown as below, which means the diagnosis software now supports online programming.
Tips: Except North America area, other areas can be configured as steps above. Overseas online programming menu won’t display on Homepage, and corresponding menus are on specific diagnosis interfaces.
Source: How to Enable Online SCN Coding for Launch X431 Pad V
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