Received VAS6154 interface and hook it up to the VW Passat 2007, it works fine without any trouble. It can automatically read VIN code and vehicle info, can read out trouble codes, erase trouble codes and reset check engine light on, besides perform self test and ODIS 4.1.3 functions, programming is possible if I will have online account.
Attach some pictures that I took during using VAS6154 interface.
1.Install ODIS 4.1.3 software fine on Win7 32bit.
2.Setup VAS driver
3.Plug VAS6154 interface into the computer, the computer will automatically install device driver software till USB serial Converter ready to use and USB serial port (COM4) ready to use.
4.Driver install successfully, start ODIS 4.1.3 software.
5.Have VCI hardware information.
6.Click “Diagnosis”, firstly ODIS 4.1.3 can automatically read VIN code and vehicle info.
7.ODIS 4.1.3 scan control modules for VW Passat 2007, I take photos of Engine module for example.
8.DTC memory to be erased.
Anyway, the new VAS6154 interface running with ODIS V4.1.3 can work, it is a good scan tool for the cheap price. You can get it from https://www.autonumen.com/goods-6727-Newest-VAS6154-Diagnostic-Tool-ODIS-Plus-Dell-D630-laptop.html (99 dollars in total)
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