Here is the instruction on how to set up V16.2 Porsche PIWIS Tester II Development/Engineer Mode by yourself, if your PIWIS version doesn’t support Development Mode.
NOTE 1: Please first install WinRAR and Winhex on your computer. Then to do setup as follows.
Locate the file: C:\Program Files\Porsche\PIDT_P_MIG_DLSS3\pidt\plugins\de.dsa.pidt.datatype.jar and copy it on your desktop in order to modify it.2. Open it with WinRAR, and then in the WinRAR windows locate the file:
\de\dsa\pidt\datatypes\utils\Helper$1.class and drag it on your desktop, then delete it from the archive after the copy, and keep the WinRAR window open.
3. Open Helper$1.class on your desktop with Winhex and go to offset E81, replace 9A by A7 and save.
4. Drag back the save file on the WinRAR window still open and click OK. Now Close WinRAR.
5. Copy the new file de.dsa.pidt.datatype.jar you just made in C:\Program Files\Porsche\PIDT_P_MIG_DLSS3\pidt\plugins, and overwrite it.
6. Copy the file aftersales.sig on your desktop and rename it development.sig Copy this file back in the folder.
Aftersale.sig is located in
C:\Program Files\Porsche\PIDT_P_DLS3\Pidt\workspace
and in
C:\Program Files\Porsche\PIDT_P_MIG_DLS3\Pidt\workspace
7. Do exactly the same method given above with the folder
C:\Program Files\Porsche\PIDT_P_DLSS3 with its own files.
To transform it in developer:
Settings > Diagnostic configuration > 981-991 > mode > operating mode
E= development, P= production, V= aftersales (Regular PIWIS II)
Other models line > mode > operating mode
E= development, P= production, V= aftersales (Regular PIWIS II)
E= Entwickler, P= Produktion, V= Verkauf (Standarteinstellung PIWIS II)
NOTE 2: The Development Mode DIY guide here is a customer solution; autonumen has not tested yet and you may be at risks to have a try. Good luck.
What can you do with Porsche Piwis Development Mode?
1.start/stop”LAST MODE”wait for stopping the engine and change memory
2.spoiler”lessen time when the car starts
4.spoiler”change angle”
5.Change VO code
6.Close Air Mercury
7.Upgrade power
8.Remove the tire pressure sensor
9.Install reversing camera
10.Install USB/BT
11.Close the seat belt warning
12.Change CDR/PCM operation interface
13.Air condition memorization
14.Start CDR_AUX
15.Open the PCM function
16.Manually set codes
17.Automatically set codes
18.Manually do programming
19.Automatically do programming
NOTE 3: Autonumen.com released WIFI Porsche Piwis tester 2 Professional Diagnostic Tools with Dev mode. No need to install dev mode yourself.
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