If you are doing a Land Rover retrofit you will need to modify the VBF file. So you need to find the related VBF of JLR SDD. Here is the simple guide to extract VBF data files from JLR SDD
Here take 64 bit system as example:(32 bit system check in C:\Program Files folder)
SDD Sessions file:
C:\Program Files(x86)\JLR\SDD\SDD\sessions
Factory Configuration Path:
C:\Program Files(x86)\JLR\Common\Flash\Vbf\as_built
Factory Parts Information:
C:\Program Files(x86)\JLR\Common\Xml\IVSAsbuilt
SDD Vehicle Data
C:\Program Files(x86)\JLR\IDS\Sessions\LANDROVER
(File name same as target vehicle VIN number last 6 digits)
VBF files will generated after vehicle communication with SDD.
You are available to modify VBF files by VBF-TOOL.
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